Snake Skin

Blend for shedding emotional and physical toxins. Snake carries a receptive emptiness, for the agitated mind, and inner and outer overactivity. Shedding that which no longer serves and welcoming in a sense of grounded energy.

Flower Essence: Sagebrush

cilantro, celery, lemon, ginger


Snowy Owl Milk

Snow owl focuses on the elements of white; simplicity, purity, light and protection. When we want a clean slate, leave our comfort zone and create from new moon rituals.

Flower Essence: Walnut

raw nut milk, vanilla, sea salt, basil, cinnamon, honey

Bear Essentials

Bear is A digestive blend giving us the “intestinal fortitude” we need to handle that which we take in mentally, physically and emotionally from our environments and how it is digested in our systems. This blend lends strength & support to meet our daily challenges.

Flower Essence: Gentian

green tea, peppermint, chamomile, manuka honey


Tibetan Sand Fox

Fox leads with physical & mental responsiveness through increased awareness. Seeing through illusions; acting swiftly in tricky situations, confidence, wisdom and creativity. Fox blend speaks to opening root chakra through dream work.

Flower Essence: Red Poppy

beet, apple, parsley, celery, schisandra extract powder, cardamom

Luna Wolf

Luna Wolf elixir brings balance to the feminine dissolving old patterning. Evokes our innate intuition and strengthens the inner compass.

Flower Essence elixir: Pomegranate, rubellite, rose quartz, rhodonite


Quiet Lion

Lion is the ultimate protector of hearth and home. This blend supports when it is time to relax, de-stress, and curl up with a furry blanket by the fire. It combs through stuck qualities in the body to resource & soothe from the inside.

Flower Essence: Olive

ashwagandha, raw nut milk, turmeric, black pepper, vanilla, cinnamon, maple syrup
