P.A.U.S.E® is a methodology addressing mental, physical, social-emotional, creative, and environmental needs of each individual and as a community. It is rooted in ecopsychology, fine art therapeutic practices, contemplative psychology, herbology, and ancient shamanic traditions.

What does pause represent? P.A.U.S.E acknowledges the vastness of a moment where observation breeds richness; fertile & spacious. A space not needing to be filled, not needing compliance, not needing to ‘do’ or ‘be’ something in addition. Good, bad, right, wrong, always, and never, are ingrained patterns of polarized mantra’s robbing us of our capabilities to deepen our experiences. P.A.U.S.E events are dedicated to slowing down, and reinventing the experience of artist/viewer by creating a space inspired to activate all five senses through ritual. By using candlelight, herbal infusions, slow food, live music, fine art, and storytelling— a ‘pause’ registers deep in the soul—strengthening the threads of connection to oneself and community. 


P.A.U.S.E validates a child’s intrinsic need for exploration, nature, play, creativity, and social-emotional well-being. Inspired by animal themes, symbolism, music, archetypes, and fables; children learn through storytelling, painting, spinning thread, knitting, felting, working with essential oils, herbs, and many other mediums. Each child naturally is drawn to a combination of mediums to process and cultivate necessary skills for communicating their emotional world. The idea is to provide a space to look within for answers, connection to others, and self-regulation. Too often they are shown to look outside themselves for guidance. These workshops are designed to support self-governance, their connection to nature, and their connections to one another through creative expression. 


